First thing we were all living on like a beach or something next to a big cliff...and all I remember is that my bed was right next to the cliff and something really important was happening or going to happen so there was a lot of 'construction' going on and I get up off my bed only to have a big huge rock fall down right where I had been sitting. I remember that Bishop Anderson was the one who rolled it off the cliff.
The next thing I knew were were all living in the church and for some reason it was flooding or it was going to flood really badly and we were all sort of scrambling around trying to get things taken care of (even though I don't remember ever seeing any water) and then it was all sort of taken care of I think and then we went into the chapel and the middle of the room there was a huge drain and there was about a foot of standing water in the room...but it was slowly going down the drain and the bishop was sitting on one of the pews talking about what a close call we had.
Then I remember thinking since it had 'stopped raining' I needed to get my suitcases loaded up into a truck. So Kyle Schmid said he would help me and for some reason or another in my dream I just knew he was engaged and I was SO MAD that no one had told me and so mad that it wasn't me. Then it donned on me that I was engaged and in love with Daron so I didn't care about Kyle anymore...
And then I woke up...
See! I told you, they can get wierd.